Be so full of love there is no space for fear.
I have been asking god a question recently: How do I control my mind so that I manifest only the things that I enjoy and that is good for me. How do I manifest wealth, health, peace, happiness, confidence…through my mind. How do I stop the negative thoughts. How do I stop fear? How do I regain control over my most powerful gift?
He answered:
“Be so full of love that there is no space for anything negative. Be so full of loving thoughts that you manifest only things that you love. Be so full of loving energy that you think, believe, feel and act from a place of love in every situation.”
Ok. Well I guess it makes sense. We manifest with our minds, and our mind can only focus on one idea at a time, so by focusing on the idea of love, then through the power of the mind we will manifest physical things in our lives that represent that love.
Ok, Lets try it!