Crazy or Enlightened?
Today I fly to Fuerteventura for 11 days, with a tent, no money, no accommodation and no plans. I’m a little excited/nervous to say the least. The last time I tried being alone for 3 days in Catalunya, I came back home the next day after spending the night in the train-station (another story for another moment). Now Mr. Big Balls that I am is flying to an Island, with a flight booked back and not much else. One thing I do know is that right now my job is just to get there, and not think too much about 11 days, take it one moment at a time.
I find it funny how we are programmed to always worry about the future.
1. How will I sleep?
2. What happens if it rains?
3. Where will I know where to go?
4. What happens if they don’t let me camp?
5. Fear, Fear, fear.
6. Doubt, doubt doubt.
7. blah, blah, blah.
None of it fucking matters, when I’m in the moment I will make the best decision based on what i’m faced with. The only choices that matter are only available in the moment:
- What perspective am I looking at this moment through?
- Based on what is available to me in this moment what direction is joy?
The rest will be what it will be.
Whatever happens, I’m proud of me. It takes bravery for me to act with so many doubts in my mind. I remind myself, it’s the mind doing what the mind does, and I have the choice to grab better thoughts and ideas out of the sea of consciousness.
So you’ve inspired me to grab some better ideas out of the possibilities. I’ll do it now.
- I will experience the best moments exploring without restriction, walking where i want, just because, choosing a direction just because, starting a conversation just because.
- I will attract amazing people who are open and helpful.
- I will create the best art of my life.
- I will get to know myself in the silence of an unknown journey.
- I will reveal new insights about myself, life and being.
- I AM the fucking creator of my experience.
- I AM the controlling force wherever I am.
- I AM the source of everything I experience.
- I AM always safe.
- I AM always favoured.
Hey thanks for letting me get out those thoughts, I feel lighter!
I’ll write you again when I am back. Wish me Fun.