Grief, oh grief, why do you weigh so heavy, Like a stone in my chest, unyielding and steady? Why do you linger and refuse to depart, Like a specter haunting the chambers of my heart?
And then it dawns on me, like a flicker of light, That grief is the energy of love, unable to take flight. It is the love that is blocked from being expressed, The love that is held back, suppressed and repressed.
For when we love deeply, we open ourselves wide, We give of ourselves freely, with nothing to hide. But when that love is met with loss and pain, It can feel like we’re left with nothing to gain.
And so, the love that once flowed so freely, Becomes trapped and unable to be seen clearly. It transforms into a weight that we carry, A burden that can leave us feeling so very weary.
But grief is not something to be feared, For it is a testament to the love that we held dear. It is the price we pay for having loved at all, And it is a reminder of how deeply we can fall.
So let us honour our grief, and the love that it holds, Let us acknowledge the pain and the stories untold. For in doing so, we allow that love to be free, And we open ourselves up to the possibility of what could be.